

What Is Analgesic (Painkiller) Medication?

Pain is sub-categorised as acute (short-term) or chronic (long term). Acute pain is often described as severe and short-lived and is commonly due to an injury. Chronic pain can range from mild to moderate pain, present for a long time and is widely due to conditions or diseases which require ongoing treatment.

Pain is an uncomfortable feeling in any area of the body, which allows you to know something is wrong. It can be throbbing, stabbing, aching or described with other characteristics. It is bothersome, however, at times it can leave a patient debilitated.

The sensation of pain can also bring out other physical symptoms such as weakness, nausea and dizziness. It can cause emotional symptoms such as mood swings or irritability. When left untreated, it can impact the lifestyle of patients and standard of living.

Pain cannot be cured; however, it can be managed using painkillers, also known as an analgesic. These medications are specially created for the treatment of various pains and discomfort in the body.

There are many pain medications, such as opioid painkillers, muscle-relaxants and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These medications all take a different approach in the body; however, they are useful in pain management. Patients can buy painkillers from various sites available on the internet. 


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How Do Painkillers Work?

Taking a painkiller does the job by relieving pain and bringing us back to our optimum. However, how do these miracle medications work and how does it know where the pain is located?

Our body is abundant with nerve endings, found in the skin and tissues. Certain nerve endings are responsible for feeling pain. When cells are injured or damaged in the body, they release chemicals called prostaglandins. This causes acute or chronic pain, depending on the severity of the injury.

These nerves endings are sensitive to this chemical, as the nerves respond by picking up and transferring the pain message through the nervous system then to the brain. This process is what makes the patient feel the pain, either mildly or severely.

When patients take painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen, it inhibits these damaged cells from creating and secreting prostaglandin. When this chemical is not released, the brain will not clearly or quickly receive the impulse of pain. This is how the analgesic dilutes the pain and eventually eliminates it.

This is a general pathway that painkillers take; however, various pain medications have different bodily pathways. These medications are usually stronger than your usual anti inflammatory drugs nsaids.

Strong painkillers such as opioid painkillers target pain by attaching to opioid receptors in the brain. This process blocks the impulse of pain from being interpreted by the brain, weakening the feeling of pain altogether. Most opioid analgesics can be combined with paracetamol and other NSAIDs. These painkillers are mostly used in chronic pain control. Muscle relaxants work by altering the way the body recognises muscle pain. These medications decrease excitement in the brain and spinal cord to mitigate pain associated with muscle spasticity and spasms.

Different Types Of Painkillers

Painkillers have various administration methods such as injections, taken orally as tablets, capsules or liquids and even suppositories. Some can also be dissolved in water (soluble tablets). Certain pain medicines are also available in forms of topical creams, ointment or patches.

There are several types of painkillers that are available. This allows patients to buy painkillers of their choice, which is specific to their condition.

These include:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)- There are many nsaids such as ibuprofen, diclofenac and naproxen. These painkillers are usually prescribed in low doses as a high amount of NSAIDs can cause gastrointestinal problems. Paracetamol can increase the body's tolerance for pain.
  • Weak opioids and potent opioids (opiates)- Opioids are medication that is naturally extracted from the poppy plant (e.g. morphine) or created in a laboratory (e.g. tramadol). Weak opioids are still very effective pain medications used in managing severe pain; however, it also has risks of addiction and side effects, so it must be used wisely. More potent opioids are strong painkillers, such as oxycodone or morphine.
  • Certain anti-depressants and anticonvulsants- Some types of anti-depressants and anticonvulsants, when given at the lowest dose can assist in relieving nerve pain which other pain medications cannot control. When put at a higher dose, the anti-depressants can also help with depression with chronic pain.
  • Muscle-relaxants- These painkillers can be used if your muscles constantly spasm, which causes high levels of discomfort. It can also be used after surgeries or certain treatment, as muscles can become tender and tight after surgery. This painkiller can be used with other medications for high levels of pain control.
  • Corticosteroids- They are administered in an injection form at the site of musculoskeletal injuries. It has potent anti-inflammatory effects, which can also be taken orally in the form of pills.

A famous painkiller cocktail containing cream of coconut, navy rum and pineapple juice was a standard pain relief solution in the past. These cocktails may also have orange juice. This painkiller guarantees no pain after a sip; however, patients still buy strong painkillers as it works more efficiently.

Types Of Pain That Painkillers Can Relieve

Whether the pain develops from an injury or a long-term condition, it is an unpleasant experience. Different individuals respond to pain in unique ways, as you could manage certain pain; however, another individual might find it incapacitating. Even though the experience of pain varies, it is possible to classify the different types of pain.

These include:

  • Inflammatory pain- This pain occurs when there is damage in the body's musculoskeletal soft tissues. It is usually localised and is described as aching and dull. The pain is felt most often in the hip, hand or shoulder. It can also occur in the lower back, due to heavy lifting or injuries. The best painkiller for this pain is anti-inflammatories which include paracetamol or aspirin.
  • Acute pain means that the pain has a short duration, lasting from hours to about three months. It is related to soft-tissue injury or a short-term illness, meaning it will subside after the injury is healed, or the illness is cured. Acute pain may advance into chronic pain if the injury is not healed correctly.
  • Chronic pain- Pain which lasts for a longer duration. It can be intermittent or constant, such as headaches may be considered chronic when it occurs for many months and years, even if it is not there all the time. Lingering pain is usually due to health problems such as fibromyalgia, arthritis or a spine condition. The patient typically purchase strong painkillers for lingering pain control.
  • Neuropathic pain- Neuropathic pain is a result of an injury or malfunction of the somatosensory nervous system. This pain is due to nerve damage. Patients feel a burning, tingling pain with no apparent source. Strong painkillers are used for the management of these symptoms.
  • Nociceptive pain- Physical damage to the body, the pain felt from a sports injury, dental issues or arthritis.

Identifying your pain is the most essential part of pain control, as it will guide you towards the correct painkiller to use. This allows patients to buy painkillers which will work for them.

Examples Of Strong Painkillers

Medical professionals commonly prescribe potent painkillers when pain becomes too intense and uncontrollable with standard pain medications. These medications are usually opioid analgesics, anticonvulsants or anti-depressants. With this type of painkiller side effects may include drowsiness and a decreased level of alertness.

Patients buy strong painkillers, such as:

  • Anticonvulsants- Pregabalin, gabapentin
  • Opioid analgesics- Tramadol, codeine
  • Tricyclic anti-depressants- Amitriptyline, nortriptyline

These medications provide high levels of pain relief; however, some are stronger than others. The list below will show the comparison of potency between these medications, pregabalin, tramadol with codeine and gabapentin:

  • Tramadol: This is a synthetic opioid painkiller which came about in the 1960s. It is considered safer than other opioids; however, it is highly potent and perfect for intense pain levels.
  • Pregabalin: Classified as an anticonvulsant, pregabalin also can treat types of neuropathic pain and fibromyalgia. These conditions often do not have proper pain control; however, pregabalin provides sufficient relief.
  • Codeine: An opiate used to treat less severe pain. Although it is a natural opioid, it also does not present intense side effects, allowing patients to use this pain reliever safely.
  • Gabapentin: This is also an anticonvulsant, a first-line treatment for neuropathic pain caused by central pain, diabetic neuropathy and postherpetic neuralgia.

Patients who buy strong painkillers often need a prescription from their healthcare professional, as these medications can be habit-forming. It is vital to keep to the recommended dose when using these pain medications.

Which Painkiller Is Best?

When you buy painkillers, it all boils down to the type of pain that you have. The kind of medication you get has to be able to treat the same pain that you have. Sometimes, you would have to go through various pain relievers before finding the one which works for you.

The best painkiller should be chosen according to the following guidelines:

  • If you have pain associated with inflammation (back pain, headaches), you should consider painkillers such as paracetamol and NSAIDs. These medications will work best when taken two times a day.
  • If you have pain caused by damaged or sensitive nerves, such as diabetic neuropathy or shingles, you can buy strong painkillers that alter the way the CNS works. This includes tramadol, tapentadol or pregabalin.
  • Pain caused by tender muscles or injuries can be treated using muscle-relaxants or corticosteroids.

Patients should also choose the best painkillers according to its potential adverse effects. Its benefits should outweigh its adverse events, as the aim of taking medication is to enhance your quality of life.

Side Effects Of Painkillers

Experts carefully studied painkiller side effects, and found that they can be effectively managed. Many side effects of pain medications can also be symptoms of an underlying condition causing the pain. This is why a collaborative approach to symptom management is vital.

Common side effects associated with pain medications include:

  • NSAIDs- They can increase blood pressure; however, this average increase is small. Other side effects include stomach cramps, indigestion and drowsiness. Excessive use of paracetamol can damage your liver, so it is crucial to practise caution.
  • Opioid pain analgesic- These could present adverse effects such as headaches, nausea or constipation. At a higher dose, it can cause respiratory depression.
  • Muscle-relaxants- Dizziness, dry mouth or drowsiness.

Measures such as adhering to the instructions provided on information leaflets, and knowing specific warnings and interactions before you buy painkillers should be taken, as it can reduce the occurrence and severity of adverse effects. Seek medical advice if these adverse events are persistent and become dangerous.

Buy Strong Painkillers Online

In the past, patients used to buy painkillers in busy dispensaries at high prices. Nowadays, patients can go on their phones or computers and visit an online pharmacy like ours. Our dependable online platform is your lifesaver when a trip to your doctor seems impossible. We stock approved pain medications such as tramadol, pregabalin and much more available.

When you buy painkillers from our online pharmacy, you can receive these benefits:

  • Important information such as painkiller side effects, dosage and usage guidelines are available on the website, making it easy and accessible for you.
  • You can treat pain at cost-effective prices as our medications are priced lower than other physical pharmacies.
  • Our online pharmacist will recommend the best painkillers for you. If you have any questions, you can conveniently chat with them.
  • It is discreet; our pharmacists will not share patient information with anyone else.
  • You can buy painkillers at any time, as we have 24-hour access to our website.
  • We have various pain medications available with what they treat, making your decision-making process easier.
  • You have various delivery options, as well as express shipping.

Don't delay treatment - buy top quality painkillers, along with anxiety medication and sleeping tablets at the #1 Online Pharmacy today!

Last Reviewed: 22nd July 2024
Next Review Due: August 2025

Reviews Go to Top
Brad Spellman – Mar 29, 2022
Crashed my motorbike last year in England and was prescribed some heavy painkillers, before the doctor cut my prescription off. After months of struggling with phantom pain from my amputated foot, i finally found somewhere I can get what i need. Definitely recommend this website to everyone

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